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Current publications of the ICUnet.Group

International Women’s Day – Male Allies support women

Today is International Women’s Day and we women in the ICUnet.Group want to use this opportunity to celebrate the day with our male allies . There is a strong sense of gender equality throughout our company and our male allies are right there with us making this even stronger when – and however they can. We thank them for that and never get tired in our common pursuit to gain full gender equality. Our male allies have this to say: Gender diversity is a men’s issue! It’s not about „us“ and...

Veröffentlicht am 08. Mar 2022

Our new category „What does a Relocation & Immigration Manager actually do?"

We are pleased to introduce you to some of the ICUnet’s services in our new category „What does a…actually do?“ This time with Katharina Klüber, Relocation & Immigration Manager at ICUnet Group in Vienna since 2021. ICUnet: Please describe in a few sentences what the core task of your job is? KK: I support employees who are sent abroad or recruited internationally (foreign local hires) in their immigration to Austria. I am in daily contact with people of various nationalities – from Australia...

Veröffentlicht am 01. Mar 2022

Have you ever heard of the proximity bias?

Proximity bias describes our unconscious tendency to prefer people or things that are closer to us in time and space. In this way, proximity bias can have a major effect on our workplace culture. One example: While some employees have already returned to the office after several Covid-Lockdowns, others are still in the home office and thus potentially further away from each other and the team leaders. The proximity bias shows its ugly face when team leaders then believe that on-site employees...

Veröffentlicht am 21. Feb 2022

Male Allyship – a key to Gender Balance

Gender Balance is a critical factor for business success. According to McKinsey&Company, companies with more than 30% women on their executive teams are significantly more likely to outperform those with less women. Unfortunately, we still have a long way to go: It will take 267 more years to close the gender gap in economic participation and opportunity if we keep up the current rate of progress (Global Gender Gap Report 2021 World Economic Forum). Fortunately, we are all able to make a...

Veröffentlicht am 21. Feb 2022

Women in top management positions? The French way!

According to a short research report about global mobility, 54% of all C-levels within French companies have been abroad at least once. The share of female executives is 40%, an above-average value in an intercultural comparison! Are you interested in more detailed information about this research reports? Feel free to contact us, we are looking forward to hear from you! Or would you like to share your personal experiences with us? Then join the dialogue on our LinkedIn channel.

Veröffentlicht am 21. Feb 2022

Welcome on board! - New employees at ICUnet

From trainees to permanent employees! We warmly congratulate Marina Dersch and Manisha Lehfehldt on successfully completing their apprenticeship and are delighted to welcome them as permanent employees! Both will be supporting our Global Mobility Team in the future. We wish you all the best for your future tasks within ICUnet! (All participants were tested on the day of the event)

Veröffentlicht am 18. Jan 2022

ICUnet at the Diversity Conference of the Charta der Vielfalt e.V.

On November 11 and 12, we had the opportunity to participate in this year's Diversity Conference of the Charta der Vielfalt e.V. Thank you for two exciting days of learning, listening, discussing and laughing together! We were particularly inspired by the Masterclass: "Language as Ally: Daring more diversity in internal communication". Dr. Katharina Schiederig and Dr. Endora Comer-Arldt showed very impressively how they have made their internal communication at Merck KGaA more inclusive in...

Veröffentlicht am 24. Nov 2021

China - Change in visa application in Germany

The Visa Application Centre of the People's Republic of China has announced the following change to the visa application process for China in Germany: Effective immediately, fingerprints of all visa applicants must again be taken when applying for a visa. This applies to all consulate locations in Germany. Exempt from this regulation are:1. persons under the age of 14 or over the age of 70. 2. holders of diplomatic passports or persons who are exempt from fingerprinting under bilateral...

Veröffentlicht am 29. Sep 2021

We are the next generation!

Promoting and educating young people has always been a cornerstone of our corporate philosophy. Sustainable success is only possible with a diverse, qualified and motivated workforce . That is why we are particularly pleased to welcome our new apprentices to the Orange team this year in Germany. At our annual apprentice event, the apprentices had the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas. This traditional event brings our team together and ignites the Orange Spirit!

Veröffentlicht am 22. Sep 2021

Global CEO & President of Mastercard Michael Miebach visits the Passau HQ

ICUnet CEO and 1st Chairman of the Neuburg Discussion Group Dr Fritz Audebert and Chancellor and Managing Director Dr Achim Dilling (Chancellor of the University of Passau) discussed opportunities for promoting start-ups in Passau with Michael Miebach and laid the foundations for promoting the region through international cooperation - in the spirit of the ICUnet Group.

Veröffentlicht am 09. Aug 2021